USB and Tahoe

A few people have had some troubles communicating with the Tahoe over USB.  The culprit in every case to date as been power.   The short story is that you need to make sure you connect directly to your PC, and not through a hub.

When we orignally designed the Tahoe, we intended to power it from a plug-pack.  Later, we found that it ran fine off the USB power, and was well within the spec while doing so.   Using USB made the product a whole lot nicer to use, as well as build and ship.

The catch is that you need to plug directly into your PC (or laptop), and NOT through an unpowered hub.  We have also found that some laptops do not supply power according to the USB standard, but this seems to be a rare occurance.

So, if you are having trouble with USB comms – make sure you don’t have a hub connected, or try a desktop PC.





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